So you are thinking about getting a new computer?  Should I go PC or should I get a Mac.

It really depends on your computer needs.  Here are a few Tips to think about…

  • Although it is harder, Macs can and do get viruses.
  • Know what programs you are going to run and if they are available to your platform
  • Although Macs have great browsers, you will not have Internet Explorer
  • You could use Virtualizing with products like Parallels and VMWare, but they can slow down your system and if you are always using them, going with a PC might be better.
  • Macs are more expensive but are usually a higher end product with US based call center support
  • Just because they have the program, they are not always the same.  For example, Adobe products are almost identical in both platforms, but Quickbooks is greatly different.

#1 thing to remember – Get what works for you, because what works for one person may not work at all for you.